The Chinese government announces that there is no new infection case of coronavirus in Wuhan for the first time last week, although it is not the time to cheer up, it does mean a lot to all the Chinese.
I barely remember previous “SARS” outbreak since i was in high school back then. But i believe the experience of Covid-19 will be one of the most memorable events in my whole life. That’s the reason why I kept a record of those days and, in the same time, I do hope that my customers, especially those work & life have been effected by Covid-19, can have the faith to fight and win this battle together with us in this special time.
Right before the Chinese New year, about 60 days ago, every factories were busy with the finishing up work before our biggest holiday. With no exception, me and my colleagues of our workshop were working overtime in order to catch the shipment before the close off. That’s the moment I heard about the world cornavirus for the first time over a Wechat message sent by my best friend “A Suo”, who took her kids to join her husband in Wuhan to celebrate the coming chinese new year – “Wuhan is sick” said in her message. Their intention was to stay there for a week and then come back but the she has never expected that she has to stuck there even till today. None of us has ever thought this virus would be so detrimental and make our work and life so tough in 2020.
Day 1 – Jan. 20th
2020: First IKEA store in Hunan opened in my nearby city (Changsha), my college Ms Beauty wife, a big IKEA fan, planned a small shopping tour a week before our holiday. Right before our departure, she struggled and finally decided to cancel the trip due to a “SARS- like” virus was spreading out. This is the first time i felt my life had been effected by the virus, but I didn’t take it as a big deal because we can always go there later (it’s never happened till today).

DAY 3 – Jan. 22nd
2020: Wuhan City announces the news of “lockdown” at 10 o’clock. At this time, Wuhan’s confirmed cases was 426 and the other 145 cases were from the other 25 provinces. While some people are rushing to buy mask, I just bought some snacks like chips, chocolate and ice cream for my holiday.

DAY 4 – Jan. 23rd 2020
Chinese New year day, which is the most important day for most of Chinese. We take our two kids have launch at my husband uncle’s home, and then have dinner with my own parents and brothers. Only the kids are wearing the masks……

Day 6 – Jan. 25th
2020: Situation become worse. Some people who infected the virus were died. We are encouraged to do self quarantine at home. Actually, it is the tranditional days that we suppose to visit friends and relatives during the spring festival. However, instead, we are just eating, sleeping and gaining weight at home.

Day 11 – Jan. 30th
2020: This is the day most people are supposed to be back to work, but due to the epidemic prevention and control, the State Council announces that the Spring Festival holiday will extended to February 2nd. And I think it is not a bad thing to have more holidays and take it as a reward for my hard work in 2019.

Day 15 – Feb. 3rd,
2020: Yes, we are still “enjoying” the spring festival holiday because the holiday has been extended again and again . I feel like being a virus specialist by reading and learning articles from various social medias. My house is turned into a kids playground and many of my friends are in the process of transforming into master chiefs. They share many foods pictures that I could never image that they are capable of cooking. The famous one is below cake made from a rise cooking machining.

Day 20 – Feb. 8th, 2020
I’ve been informed by the company that we can start working from home and the workshop colleges who back to factory are mandatory to run a virus test at site.
I believe most companies and organizations also need to buy the COVID-19
IgG/IgM Rapid Test Cassettle with CE and FDA certified, and if you don’t have the souce and need any help to purchase them, you may contact us now.

All the entrances are sealed off except a main gate, in the same time, a “pass” is needed to get in and out of the neighborhood and working places. Meanwhile, everyone is asked to take a temperature measurement at the entrance.
Day 23 – Feb. 11th 2020
A news caught my eyes today.
Fitness coach Xin Ye is a generation Y. After Wuhan was lockdown, he found it was very inconvenient for the citizens to buy daily necessities, and the rider platform is lack of delivery man. The groups that are stuck at home and have difficulty buying food are mainly elderly people. So he decided to register himself as a volunteer to buy things for those in need. He accumulated plenty of experience during the past 12 days. More people come out to buy food on a sunny day, so the queue of weighting is long, about 1 to 2 hours, whereas the queue time is about 50 minutes on a cloudy day. Shopping can be strategic: noodles and eggs are the easiest to buy, so they must be brought first; Ribs can only be bought before buying vegetables, otherwise, the waiting time will be longer. The top3 things in his buying lists are pork ribs, vegetables and noodles. During his delivery, people would always write “Thank you, No rush and drive safe” on the top of their ordering list. Everyday, he finishes his job only by the time that his electric scooter is running out of electricity. “Although I don’t have time to eat or drink, I don’t feel tried or hungry when i’m busy and the more jobs i accomplish during the day means the less risk of contamination for those families going out.”

Day 25 – Feb. 13th, 2020
People are trying their best to stay positive. One of my friend “Chen Flower” posts a message – “My mummy says that she is planning to buy food in this way…”

Day 26 – Feb 14th, 2020
Happy valentines day! There are the best gifts ever.

Day 30 – Feb. 18th, 2020
The famous Chinese minibus manufacturer Wuling announces that they are starting to produce the mask and their new slogan printed on the package box is “What people need, then we make it”

Day 39 – Feb. 28th, 2020
On the first day of the New Year, a 76-member medical team from my city – Zhuzhou , one of the first medical teams to assist Hubei, arrived in Huanggang city.
Fu Yanping, the chief nurse, who takes daily videos of their work there, says “In front of illness, we often feel powerless, but in the face of patients, we are the source of strength.”

Day 45 – Mar. 5th, 2020
How clever the Human people is.
If you want to go up – kick please and if you want to go down – kick please

Day 50 -Mar. 10th, 2020
My friend “A Suo” is still in Wuhan and she made the birthday cake for her little boy.

Day 55 – Mar. 15th, 2020
China is getting better gradually but the global situation become worse with confirmed cases rising dramatically. A graphic designer from US called Mike Winkelmann, alias “Beeple”, created a group of works to describe what happened.

Tom Hanks who beats the shit out of the virus

Do not touch

United states of toilet paper

Worst case

Humanity vs Coronavirus

Social distancing
Day 60 – Mar. 20th, 2020
Researchers are learning more about the spreading and treatment of the virus.
The Chinese center of Disease Control and Prevention has published a critical manual in English to share the most up-to-date COVID-19 control and prevention information with other countries. You can click below link to download it.
Day 65 – Mar. 25th, 2020
I am still working from home and students here are being asked to take courses on line. More and more people are encouraged to work and study from home in different countries .
Like Dr. Wladimir Klitschko Said “The Covid-19 Virus is an incredible and giant challenge for all of us, our governments, our health systems, our economy, for all humans. Our freedom be restricted. Our home has to become everything, a place that will replace all other places: restaurant, office, school, and gym… These restrictions are going to be challenging. This can only work if we show better coordination, team up and organize who can take care of the children, offer your neighbors in need help with shopping and errands. It does not have to be a big thing; many small pieces make up the solution to the big puzzle! Let’s face this challenge together. Our collective willpower is bigger and stronger than this virus! Together we are the driving force!”
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